meeting as Stillness!


s t i l l   s a c r e d   s p a c e

1 year ago today
a spontaneous gratitude practice emerged 
while writing a blog post!
first thing every morning we wrote down
the 3 things we're truly grateful for
i so enjoyed this and the results
what began as a practice for a month
became a 40 day practice
and then it just kept going
for months
and months
somewhere on our spring travels 
while in spain
10 months and some days later
the practice organically morphed into a inward silent practice
not even an inward spoken practice
but completely silent
i am so enjoying this! 
perhaps this calls to you?
playing with gratitude
or spoken aloud
or spoken inwardly
or inwardly silent
along with the updates i posted during the year
and/or look at the posts by choosing
"gratitude practice play"
under labels near the bottom of this page
happy appreciating and saying thank you!
