I'm back!

I've missed this space and playing on it. I really love my new website, and I'm feeling called to return here to The Feast of The Feminine to create and publish blog posts. I'm planning to move the 65+ posts from my website to here, in time. There'll be two sites, website and blogsite. In the meantime...


I'm delighted to be here and welcome you!

It seems like there's so much to share.

Let's begin with this.

Last night in Vancouver, under an exquisitely beautiful full moon, a small group of dedicated women gathered to honour and celebrate, not only our 145th meeting together, but a very sacred day, The Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. December 12th. What a blessing that these two events coincided! We celebrated The Divine Feminine, Our Mother. We created a sacred space, within and without, dedicated to Her and invited Her to join us. We planted seeds in our sacred Rose Garden. We spoke of ways of connecting with Her daily, as our spiritual practice. We sipped rose tea and sampled delicious sweets. So lovely to share in this way! At the end of our meeting, we dedicated the energy generated together to benefit all beings. 

I feel very blessed and grateful to be in the company of a such beautiful & committed beings, to hold and share sacred space together. Truly, my heart is overflowing. And, that we can meet freely and receive and use spiritual wisdom. What a blessing! I'm also very grateful to our dear friend, who generously opens her home to us so that we can meet. 

Yesterday, a huge insight appeared, out of the blue, on the eve of the 21st anniversary of meeting my spiritual teacher. I realized that I had also met & received a great benefit from Our Lady of Guadalupe 21 years ago on Her Feast Day, the day before meeting my teacher, though I didn't know it at the time (or for all these years). These two events are intrinsically linked in my heart. The sacred meeting of two significant teachers.

In honour of both of my Dear Hearts:

one of my favourite all-time jewels of wisdom:

"... create a space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to enter."

~ Eckhart Tolle

image from the internet


Wishing you sacred & blessed meetings!

Until soon!

Thank You so much for joining me here.

I'm very happy to connect, if you'd like, either through a comment below or by email.

Much Love
