blessed * blessed * blessed


i'm very grateful to each woman who joined our online women's satsang yesterday
women's satsang de mujeres

it's such a blessing to truly be together 

deeply knowing our beingness
we offer this brilliant shining light 
to each other
and into the world

a sense of immense gratitude
and beyond blessed
to be in such good company

i'm grateful for the technology which allows this gathering to happen
we gather from our homes around the world
and unite 
in the name of pure consciousness
in the name of benefitting all beings

i'm also immensely grateful for the wisdom
that comes to us
that is given to us
wisdom to use to create more space
to open and tenderize the hearts even more
the wisdom of offering loving-kindness (metta)
the wisdom of offering compassion (tonglen)
these practices are extremely potent & powerful
and they offer great benefits

a quiet still mind
and a soft open heart
and a deep continuous knowing of our formless essential being

these wisdoms are given to us in the moment 
for our gathering
for exactly what's needed
and also to use and play with
in our life situations
until we gather together again

blessed * blessed * blessed

may you be peaceful
may you be happy
may you be well
may you be safe
may you be at ease
may you be filled with loving-kindness
may you benefit all beings

infinite love & blessings ~ moni

📷 quan yin with pink mini carnations from yesterday's meeting
