
It's still snowing! 
The view of the cherry tree in the back garden outside our window. I love its elegance.
If you look closely, you can see the snow!

Speaking of elegance! Hummie swooping in for a quick sip.

Morning Prayers

My day begins with prayers. The Lord's Prayer starts things off, then a whole series of gratitude prayers. 

Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You for another day here in Heaven On Earth. Thank You for another day of Your Grace. Thank You for Your Truth and Light. Thank You for Your Love. Thank You for blessing everyone I know. Thank You for blessing everyone I don't know. Thank You for blessing my meetings and everyone who enters our home. Thank You for Your guidance in all that I do. Thank You for this strong, healthy, happy body. Thank You for this clear, spacious mind. Thank You for whole-hearted and whole-brained living. Thank You for Your Presence. Thank You for blessing us all so abundantly. Thank You for showing me Thy Will. Thank You for the dreams in my heart. Thank You for the inspirations and insights and epiphanies. Thank you for all of your helpers. Thank You for this abundance of beauty and creativity and stillness and peace and joy and love. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

The prayers continue throughout the day. Creative, playful, sincere, in-the-now gratitude prayers. I know that these prayers are intentions and they pave the way for what will come. And, I love them!

Happy day of prayers!
