magical beings

more magical moments
from our visit
to Regent's Park in London

i woke this morning
the two magical beings who crossed our paths
as we journeyed
from gatwick 
and to gatwick 
who started 
and finished
our visit in the uk

white female deer! at the start
from gatwick
who after crossing the road 
and hopping over the short fence into the woods
stopped and looked at each one of us in the car
as we had stopped the car
and looked at her
it was a significant glance
on saturday afternoon

in the dark
on friday morning
on our way to gatwick
fantastic fox!
crossed in front of us 
at the finish of our visit
no significant looks
just a dash across
our path

these two beings
ushered us in
and ushered us out
thank you!
of course i've been researching
their medicines
and magic
so blessed
