magic plus!
happy 1st day of winter!
t and i went outside to light up our big beautiful beech tree
in the front garden this afternoon
as the rains are taking a rest
and discovered these precious beings living
at her feet
it touched me so deeply
i could barely stand it
this is where the magic is!
right here where it always is
right here
such immense beauty and life force and richness
the fairies' playground
it could be so easily missed
if not paying attention
my body is asking for more outdoor time these days
fresh air
nature & all her beings
the light of nature, the colours of nature, the sounds of nature
the stillness of nature
this is exactly the perfect medicine!
such joy in my body in discovering this magical fairy land
Magic & Miracles & Love & Joy & Peace to You!
infinite love & blessings
~ Moni
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